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RedTie Attains New and Improved ISO 27001 - 2013

December 16th, 2014 - Posted by Ben Thomson, Director of Operations


In 2012, RedTie became one of the first Web to Print companies to attain the ISO 27001:2005. In fact you can read the release here. Nearly three years on we are really proud to announce that we have now attained the latest version of this standard, ISO 27001:2013

When we first reported the news back in 2012 we talked about the importance of following best or better than best practice in terms of information security. Some high profile cases of data security breaches at some of the biggest companies in the world showed that as more and more information is stored online, how a company deals with that information becomes increasingly important.

Sadly the high profile data security breaches have continued and this means that large corporations are starting to realise that they not only have to deal with their own data securely but they also need their suppliers to have systems in place to deal with data security. This has led to a big growth in the number of times we are asked if we have ISO 27001, from it being the requirement of one of our customers’ clients to being a prerequisite for moving print online for a constantly growing number of both our customers and potential customers’ clients.  This is especially true where the end users of our Web to Print solution are large corporations or from industries that are much more aware of the need for data security.

It is important to point out that ISO 27001 is not just about online data security, it covers all data in our organisation, all members of our staff are involved and all of our suppliers are risk assessed and monitored.  It is a very 360 degree approach to information and information security. In this blog I go over some of the changes that RedTie went through, both to meet the standard in the first place and the continual changes that have happened since.

When it comes to data, especially in the online sense, there is no opportunity to stand still and be satisfied with what you do to keep it secure. Best practice moves on at a very rapid pace and it is good to see that the ISO evolves too.  That is why we have spent the last 12 months, reviewing all of our policies and procedures to meet the new and improved 2013 version of the standard.  After our audit against the new criteria by UKAS accredited BSi we have now been awarded the new standard.

If you want to discuss what ISO 27001:2013 means for you and your customers then please contact us.