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The World Cup of Web to Print

June 26th, 2018 - Posted by Jamie Thomson, Managing Director


As we are in the middle of the World Cup I thought it would be appropriate to look at Web to Print from a sporting viewpoint. Web to Print can be viewed in terms of a football team from the coaches and equipment to the players and the fans. So what does Web to Print look like from this perspective?

Attacking players are the strikers and centre forwards who try to score all the goals and the wingers who try to get into position to deliver the killer pass. In Web to Print this is the storefront itself and the products available to the users. Versatility is important here, getting into the right position at the right time and having the right features to score the goals. In Web to Print this means versatile templates and editing features, like players who can use both feet as well as head the ball. The RedTie storefront appears to be a golden boot contender like Harry Kane in this respect due to the wide variety of editing and workflow features available.

In midfield we’ve got attacking and defensive midfielders and the crucial central midfielder role. For England this is Jordan Henderson who at 28 brings plenty of experience, skill and composure. This is a high pressure role where decision making is crucial. Is the next pass attacking or defensive, left side or right side, who is where on the pitch, do we need to hold up the ball? For RedTie our enterprise level infrastructure and code base is our central midfielder. It is well developed and maintained to ensure it is in peak condition. It can respond to changing situations and works well under pressure.

Defenders are a crucial part of the team whose positioning is important in order to use tactics like the offside trap or during set pieces such as free kicks and corner kicks. In RedTie our defenders are the support ticket system, which is always available, our service level agreement and our account managers. If our users need help or support the RedTie defenders are on hand to help make crucial tackles and sometimes, like John Stones, score a few goals.

The RedTie coaching team is the board of directors, the Managing Director and the Operations Director. They have a wealth of experience in print and software development and are able to find solutions to the challenges that our industry and our customers may throw at them. The coaches pick the team and the formation and for England this has evolved from a 4-3-3 to a 3-5-2 or a 3-5-1-1. The RedTie formation is software as a service (SaaS) which gives tremendous flexibilty to our users due the way it removes the need for expenditure on IT hardware. It also allows updates to be deployed with no impact on the end user and no downloading or rebooting required.

Of course no football match is complete without the spectators, referee and linesmen. The thousands of people using RedTie are the spectators whilst our ISO 27001 certification auditing and the EU GDPR regulations are probably the best representation of the referees and linesmen, appointed by FIFA.

I hope you enjoyed this sporting look at web to print and there are plenty of games left to play in the world cup to inspire your own comparisons. If you would like to find out more about how RedTie can help you get on the score sheet please request a demo in our contact form.