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DSCOOP 7 and RedTie Web to Print

March 5th, 2012 - Posted by Jamie Thomson, Managing Director


With DSCOOP 7 only a few weeks away we are busy with our final planning and organisation for our first show of the year.  We are in the last mad rush to implement some of the new features that we want to demonstrate at the show in our next software release. I must apologise to our developers for this one but we have so much great stuff planned for this year and I want it all to demo now. We have however just about managed to agree which features and integrations we will be able to deliver in time for DSCOOP so there will be plenty of new things to see from us.

Although big shows like this are expensive and it is often difficult to work out the true return on investment, I am especially keen to continue our partnership with DSCOOP in the USA for several reasons. First, it is a great opportunity to meet up with some of our current US customers, many of whom are really pushing the boundaries of web to print and challenging us to continue to deliver the software solution they need in order to meet the challenges they face. We love this pressure to keep pushing things on, and moving the technology forward. It is why we listen to our customers and have a wish list led development plan, we don’t develop things because they are ‘neat’ or the ‘next big thing’ (that often turns out to be the ‘next thing that no one actually wants’), we develop what our customers want, from the very simple to the extremely advanced. 
Secondly it is great to meet potential customers who are often approaching with a different set of requirements from those of our current customers. Clients have often been bombarded with tech speak and can be heard using the latest jargon, but what is really good for us is to strip that back, find out what clients really want to achieve and then come up with solutions on how to do that. We try to stay away from jargon in favour of being easy to understand and providing tools with a proven track record to increase business. 
That is not to say that our product is not advanced, in fact the opposite is true, what we have managed to do is make our solutions simple to use but with all the advanced features in place to be implemented when needed by your customers. Phill Rodgers, our technical manager, will also be on the stand with us to help connect the dots between potential and current customers' requirements and what the really advanced parts of the software can do. 
Finally, DSCOOP 7, is just a great excuse for me to get over to the USA, in fact it is a great excuse to shut off emails for a few days and just get out of the office. 
See you all there!
DSCOOP 7 takes place the 22nd – 24th of March in Washington, DC and RedTie will be demonstrating its Web to Print solutions from booth 635.