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Good Customer Service On The Web

May 22nd, 2012 - Posted by Phill Rodgers, Technical Manager


The next phase of RTT development includes a drive to make our public-facing pages more intuitive for customers to use, our aim is to increase conversion by taking away potential obstructions which can stall or frustrate the sales process.

Our thinking on this subject includes a whole-view on interacting with web customers with their experience in mind, which is why we have created and launched two live customer chat apps in our RedTie Marketplace.

Good customer service is the lifeblood of any business, competitive prices will attract one-time users but high customer satisfaction will keep them coming back. One way to provide good customer service is create an environment where they feel you will listen to them, so let your customer talk and show them that you are listening by responding.

“Going the extra mile” is often a customer service idiom, but thats hard to achieve through a web to print store. By offering live chat you can add value to your sales proposition by offering a personal touch to service, advice on products which can lead to up-selling and by demonstrating product or customer knowledge you can increase trust between the customer and your business.

It is certainly the case that dealing with service issues as they arise is far more economical than waiting for them to become complaints or error corrections, meeting your customers at their point of need will save you time and money even if there is no immediate profit in their enquiry.

In such a competitive market it is your unique selling points that set you apart when prices are similar, that said it can also aid conversion to incentivize your customers with offers and promotions- meeting them live during their purchase is a good way for you to deliver your promotional message rather than blanket marketing, this way your chat operative can make a judgement on the level of promotion or whether the customer requires that motivation at all.

The two RedTie chat apps are available now, Chat (Basic) is a light-weight live one-to-many chat environment which can optionally be configured to hide itself from users if your operatives are not available or to ‘wake’ them if they are. Chat (Pro) offers your customers the ability to transfer files from their computers via the chat window to your operatives, you can configure a timetable of availability and see instant customer and order information without having to ask.


Chat (Basic) Screenshot Chat (Basic) Screenshot


The improvements to user experience will begin in our development environment soon. RedTie has a created a significant list of modern web sales techniques and have studied the psychology of on-screen presentation and sales so we can draw on these theories to complete the new public pages in a way that will reduce errors, improve speed, customer satisfaction and sales. Please follow our new Gateway technical blog for more information as we complete milestone apps and update the RTT.